We center your business on value.

The focus of your culture defines the rest of it.


It’s all about choices.


You’re always going to have more you could do than you have time to do it.

The only way to thrive is to deliberately choose what you do and what you don’t do.

And since everyone on your team makes choices every day, you need everyone to think this way.


Which means it’s all about culture.


Culture includes your focus, conventions, shared practices, and relationships.

When you center your business on the value you exist to deliver, you can make deliberate choices about every other aspect of your business to deliver that value effectively.


more specific = more strategic


Now you can more rapidly test, assess, and adjust approaches because you know the point of your actions.

And that point isn’t exactly the same as every other company on the planet. You’re doing something specific for a specific group of people to help them experience a specific value.


That’s why we do what we do they way we do it.

  • We focus on questions — first and foremost, “What’s the point?”

  • We actively involve your people in the process, including the people you serve, your team, and your partners.

  • We work one-on-one with teams because each culture is unique

  • We provide the structure, facilitate the process, and ask the right questions — you, as a team, choose what you do and how you do it.

  • We remove all jargon and strive for clarity over sophistication in all communications.


how you can work with us


business design

Our process centers your business on value and helps you make choices accordingly.

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We partner with you to support a cycle that keeps your business focused.

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We craft custom engagements to shift your thinking and build your skills.

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Learn more about our approach and how we can help you make the most of your time.