business design

The point is to deliver value.


Point:Value Labs is a business design company. We provide the structure, facilitate the process, and ask the right questions — you, as a team, choose what you do and how you do it.


Culture eats strategy for breakfast.


What you do every day and how you go about doing it is your strategy — whether it reflects what’s in your strategy documents or not.


Focus on value.  


Your business exists to deliver value to the people you serve. With clarity on that value, you can make deliberate choices about what you do and how you do it. In this way, there’s no difference between strategy and execution — every choice either advances or distracts the business.


our approach



We refine your focus by actively engaging the people you serve so you have total clarity on the value you deliver. Then we teach your entire team how to make choices based on this focus.


You choose the actions you take as a business and more importantly, how you take those actions. Every choice reinforces the others.



You design the roles and corresponding contributions that bring your business to life, including the role technology plays in making your business run.


Now you can make the most of your time.


You have one team working in one direction. They understand why they’re doing what they’re doing. They test their choices and only continue with the actions that deliver value. They also know they’re part of one team. They get value out of their work and feel valued while doing it.


It’s hard to read your label from inside the jar.


As your partner, we bring an outside perspective and combine it with the right questions, powerful virtual facilitation skills, and a deep understanding of the value economy. In short, you have someone in your corner who can help you transform the way you do work.


Learn more about our approach and how we can help you make the most of your time.